Sunday, August 7, 2011

National Kids Day

101 Ways to have fun with your kids.
Here are a few ideas from the website:

Make a fort

Go on a hike (or a walk!)


Board Games

Have a fun Breakfast!

Have a Scavenger Hunt

Build a Sandcastle

Bake cookies

Go to the Library

Decorate their room


Donate to charity

Have a Campfire & sleep in a tent


Blow Bubbles


Play with Legos, Blocks, Barbies, etc

Dress up

Pick Flowers


Cuddle & Watch a Movie

About Me

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As long as I'm on this journey, rambling through life's exhilarating highs and trudging heavily amongst it's incapacitating lows, I might as well share whatever may be gleaned from my little bits of wisdom and my many missteps. No room for judgment from this broken mama. I'm writing from my heart: raw, open, messy, but saved. And I'm still thanking God!